måndag 26 december 2011

Now cardio workout on stair-machine + elliptical Nordic track w headweights - see videoclip: http://ping.fm/WJAET
Anyone knows of Pingle for Android? (Lets u update ALL at once -fb, twitr, l.in, blog etc)
FRESH new featured apartments in New Delhi India & Shanhai China & Scandinavia - checkout our new 'SLIDER' to the right on www.LazyBee.biz MERRY CHRISTMAS

tisdag 20 december 2011

Can you guess the buildings? Why pay to advertise/rent out / sell / exchange / swap your Apartment or House anywhere on earth? On global property site www.LazyBee.biz it's all free & always will be!

onsdag 14 december 2011

Rent out or sell your home anywhere on Earth? On global property site www.LazyBee.biz it's all free & always will be! http://ping.fm/IJxAH

tisdag 23 augusti 2011

Nyh.utv: RÄKNEEXEMPEL på "
Samhället förlorar miljarder på att förhala hjälpmedel": http://goo.gl/2Mx8o

onsdag 17 augusti 2011

SLOW - sorry we cannot handle ALL new visitors right now, www.LazyBee.biz takes several seconds to load. We are working on a fix to handle our increasing world-wide popularity.

tisdag 16 augusti 2011

måndag 20 juni 2011

Nytt: Hur mycket pengar tror du Landstinget slösar på onödiga utprovningar varje år? FACIT: http://ping.fm/6mlct

söndag 19 juni 2011

Nytt: Hur mycket pengar tror du monopollandstinget slösar på onödiga utprovningar varje år?FACIT: http://ping.fm/6mlct

måndag 6 juni 2011

lördag 4 juni 2011

Kom och marschera för ökad Tillgänglighet! Samling IDAG 4 juni kl 13 i Humlegården sthlm, kl 14 går vi mot Plattan. Se www.marschen.se Ses där!

söndag 29 maj 2011

Slider-updated with hot new featured apartments for rent in New York, Stockholm, Brussels, Malmö, Zurich - go now to www.LazyBee.biz

torsdag 26 maj 2011

Are u a Real Estate co? Why not Go International FREE? showcase your real estate objects for FREE on global site www.LazyBee.biz - simply email feed @ LazyBee . biz and we'll import your objects (xml stream). Thanks

torsdag 5 maj 2011

In honor of my heroes SEAL Team 6: Cardio finished: intervals on my Nordic Track elliptical, followed by... intervals on my Abilica stair machine, followed by vibrating wearing headweights on my power-plate-type vibrating machine. Finished up w back training using casalls hardest rubber bands. HOOYAH!
FINALLY! ÄNTLIGEN! http://ping.fm/iqPq5

fredag 22 april 2011

Fast i Rullstol:
Malmö Aviation stoppar mig besöka Viggos dop på Påsksöndag?! -
Fast i Rullstol:
Malmö Aviation stoppar mig besöka Viggos dop på Påsksöndag?! -

torsdag 21 april 2011

Malmö Aviation stoppar mig besöka Viggos dop på Påsksöndag?! - se http://ping.fm/oLX3a

onsdag 20 april 2011

Discrimination in Sweden against people using wheelchairs incl me UPDATED: PLZ CLICK 'FOLLOW / FÖLJ'- http://ping.fm/vZRmH

måndag 11 april 2011

Discrimination in Sweden against people using wheelchairs incl me UPDATED: PLZ CLICK 'FOLLOW / FÖLJ'- http://ping.fm/vZRmH

söndag 27 mars 2011

Are you a good person? Do Good NOW - it's free and 5seconds
Do Good Free - NOW go here and click 'Like' to support my new FBpage to help people with my diagnosis FA: http://ping.fm/Oj4BW?sk=wall

söndag 20 mars 2011

Do Good Free - NOW go here and click 'Like' to support my new FBpage to help people with my diagnosis FA: http://ping.fm/Oj4BW?sk=wall

fredag 18 mars 2011

Gör God Gärning Gratis, Klicka här NU! & Gilla min Fejjan-sida för o hjälpa folk med min diagnos FA: http://ping.fm/Oj4BW?sk=wall

lördag 12 mars 2011

Gör God Gärning Gratis, Klicka här & Gilla min Fejjan-sida för o hjälpa folk med min diagnos FA: http://ping.fm/Oj4BW?sk=wall

fredag 11 mars 2011

Gör God Gärning Gratis, Klicka här & Gilla min Fejjan-sida för o hjälpa folk med min diagnos FA: http://ping.fm/Oj4BW?sk=wall

torsdag 10 mars 2011

Klicka här & Gilla min Fejjan-sida för o hjälpa folk med min diagnos FA: http://ping.fm/Oj4BW?sk=wall

måndag 7 mars 2011

YES! I have made a facebook page to help people with my diagnosis FRDA boost their Quality of Life. Plz LIKE IT here: http://ping.fm/Oj4BW?sk=wall

lördag 5 mars 2011

If u have FA: eat idebenone -see arguments to use to get it free here: http://ping.fm/YWRvO)

måndag 21 februari 2011

My Mission in Life: in 5 years fix what Swedish Health-Care screwed up, so I can run, play tennis & golf w friends + make love like Casanova again: http://ping.fm/0u9B0

söndag 20 februari 2011

Doing my WeekPlan inspired by Stephen Covey (fav book '7 habits of highly effective people' / 'Leva & Verka till 100%')

onsdag 9 februari 2011

Now: Surge/burst training on my stairmachine. see http://ping.fm/Gsq87

lördag 15 januari 2011

Why pay to advertise House or Apartment For Rent / Wish to Rent Listings World-wide? On global property site LazyBee.biz it's all free & always will be!